Tuesday, August 31, 2010

62. Ooof

So I almost died last night. Well not really, but I definitely could have fallen asleep on the floor at the end of my workout. I totally got two of those hot flashes that Patrick talked about in his email. Buh bye fat!

I went to firefighter workout and then did the pcp workout when I got home (skipped jumps because my legs were dead, will have to do them in the mornings on fire class days). Those chest dips get me every time. I was already weak from doing 75 push-ups at class but I always struggle with the dips. I skipped the push-ups since I'd already done 75 and my arms were shaking so much from the dips that I figured I'd just fall on my face anyways. Also, I sucked it up on the planks, worse than usual. One of the team sexxaaay-iers, I think it was Tara, noted that they were way better at the planks when they weren't looking at the clock, and I think that might happen for me too. Watching the time click by on my watch makes it seem like it lasts so long and when I tried having Jordan tell me when to go up and down, I was just longing to hear his voice. Maybe without the longing for the end, I could redirect my focus to something other than how terrible planks are and go longer.


  1. burn baby burn.

    planks suck, my lower back just constantly gives way.

    i have to be mega-organised, but i get my stopwatch directly in front of me and my laptop or a magazine/book/newspaper (you need to plan this in advance). when i press "start" on the stopwatch, i start reading.......even just a short article.

    im pretty sure i absorb NONE of what i am reading, but its an amazing distraction. its a bit of hassle to get it all set up, depends where you work out i guess.

    yes, i am lunatic, i will do ANYTHING to distract from the pain of planks.

  2. Well 3 sets of 25. With three other exercises in between. And terrible form on at least the last set.

  3. hahahahahaha, you destroyed the illusion!
    still impressive.

  4. sorry you nearly died yesterday but way to be hardcore! double workouts make you feel like a TRUE BADASS!

  5. How was firefighting this time? Any change from last attempt?

  6. haley's a badass! haley's a badass! two major workouts in a day, 3x per week?!? i'm in awe.

  7. Damn, girl! Super impressive.

    Planks are hateful, at least they always are for me. Just have to find a way to keep your mind in the right place. Not looking at the time was a revelation to me -- my body can do more than my brain thinks it can.
