Monday, August 9, 2010

40. Whirl of a weekend

We went to visit friends in Pittsburgh this weekend and it was really nice although the pcp suffered. It didn't go poorly just vaguely ok, instead of the usual good or great. The exercises weren't done with their usual care but instead were quickly slogged through. The eating was mostly ok, but I definitely wasn't totally prepared for pcp on the road. There was a bit of pizza and then a tiny slice of pizza because the taste was just so overwhelmingly great that I couldn't stop, but mostly I just watched everyone else eating having had my apple and egg beforehand but having forgot my milk. Then there was some frozen yogurt after dinner. It was supposed to be the new kind of "trendy" frozen yogurt that was just plain yogurt frozen and then topped with whatever fruit you wanted. I figured that some frozen plain yogurt could work as a substitute for my forgotten milk, but alas it was sweetened. It wasn't as sweet as regular ice creamy frozen yogurt but it wasn't plain yogurt and I'd swear that the kiwi I had on top was sweetened too. I had two bites and handed it off.

Maybe it's from my routine getting thrown off but I have had no appetite recently and have been having a lot of trouble falling asleep. I get really tired and have to go to bed but once in bed I just lay there and can't actually fall asleep. So I'm a little sluggish today, but am getting back on track.

Also, I really need to find that darn camera cord to post some new pictures.


  1. That froyo sounds like what I ate at the Mall of America - I'm pretty sure mine had sugar too. Weekend trips are fun but hard - sounds to me like you handled it all pretty well! Hope you have a better night's sleep tonight.

  2. Yeah, it's hard travelin' on PcP. There where definite moments when I simply couldn't lay my hands on the items I needed this weekend, and thus had to substitute something...which made me want more.

    Stay strong tho! I had that "vaguely ok" feeling, and it went away after a day or two.

  3. It's a sad situation that there's absolutely nothing PCP friendly out in the world. It gets me too!
