Thursday, July 1, 2010

Day 1!!!!

I should be working and not blog posting so this will be short.

First off, hello fellow PCPers!

Next a bulleted list:
  • Jumps! I did them! Woo jumps! I actually did 6 sets I think because I lost track and figured I should do another for good measure. I trip less when I go faster.
  • Squats. I think I need to work on some flexibility too because I can't seem to get my thighs down as far as Patrick is in the picture.
  • Push-ups. I don't understand the mechanics of them with the push-up bars. They were a big mess. I'm going to nerd out tonight and see if I can find push-up videos on youtube to add to my viewing along with strongest man in the world videos (to learn how to pick stuff up for the firefighting test).
  • Sit-ups! Love them. I've always done them with my legs in the air and this way I felt my abs working way more. It was like hello little ab muscles, we've never met before.
  • Breakfast. It's almost 11am and I'm starving. The half bowl of cereal isn't quite cutting it.

Okay. Bye for now. Lunch is soon, hopefully.


  1. Welcome, Haley! Sounds like you had a great first day!

  2. Go Haley! If you find a good push up video, please post it - I could use some help as well.
