Friday, July 30, 2010

30. Would the real PCP please stand up

So yesterday was the first day of the "real" PCP, I think we're on to the second real PCP but I'm not sure. I say bring it on. The workout felt good, it went well. The combination of floor jumps and lunges were brutal. Brutal I tell you. I like the floor jumps, they're painful but totally fun, but I hate the lunges. They take forever and hurt my knee, so I went easy on them, but then I was angry at them and myself because I spent all this time doing half-assed lunges.

The total highlight of the entire thing was the DaVincis. I've totally made progress on those guys. for the first time I didn't feel like the bands were snapping my arms back down to my sides. Those muscles are growing! (I know the other ones are too but this progress is dramatic from the first day of them).

I even like the light dinner. Today I'm going to switch it up to banana, milk, raw egg smoothy with the apple separate, as yesterday I ate them all on their own and the banana gets me every time. There's just something about the texture that squicks me out. I was a little hungry and thrown off because my day started late and I haven't quite figured out the right times to be eating yet with these updates.

Also, does anyone have any advice on what to use for chest dips? Patrick's chairs look like they have a nice flat surface on the back to hold. Can I use regular chairs and just adjust my grip? I guess I'll try and see if I either tip the chair over or hurt my wrists.


  1. Great news on the DaVinci's! Those guys are still my nemesis. I made the banana, milk and raw egg smoothie last night with a dash of cinnamon - it was super tasty! But, the separate apple gave my tummy the bloats. I might try ALL of it in the blender tonight.

    While I'm at my parents' house, I get to use bar-height stools that they have in their kitchen for the chest dips. Not sure what I'll use at home, though.

  2. Yeah, stools, or chairs with a pillow or blanket thrown over to protect the hands.
