Monday, July 12, 2010

12. So much food

Does anyone else feel like they're eating massive amounts of food? Now that the initial hunger has worn off, I'm slightly overwhelmed by the food and the frequency of the eating. I feel like I'm just shoveling the food down the hatch and by the time I've finished feeling full from breakfast it's time for fruit and then lunch and so on.

I actually cheated a bit this weekend. I didn't eat the evening fruit on Saturday and skipped dinner and evening fruit yesterday. Saturday was honestly an accident, I totally forgot about it and didn't remember til I saw my apple on the counter Sunday morning. Last night, it was just exhuastion and poor planning. I got done work at 530 stopped by the store, did my workout, and then got to cooking dinner. By the time everything was done it was almost 10 and I wasn't really hungry and 8 hours of sleep seemed more appealing than eating.

I surprisingly wasn't starving when I woke up this morning but I was supper groggy. I packed all my food for the day and then instead of working out I laid on the couch with the cats. I meant to get up but then all of a sudden it was almost time to leave for work and I needed to shower. This is a pretty good illustration of my morning working out issues; I need a good hour or so to wake up enough to do anything other than go through the motions of the workout, but I can't really make an extra hour in my morning schedule without forgoing my 8 hours of sleep. But on Mondays and Wednesdays when I have class til 9, if I workout after I'm so wound up that I can't sleep well. Oh well, I'll work it out. The results are worth it. I don't drink coffee and don't really want to start, but maybe that's the key to revving myself up in the mornings.

Speaking of results. I still need to take week 2 pictures, and I don't have a full length mirror so I'm not sure whether there are any visible changes going on, but my body definitely feels different. My skin feels sortof tighter, especially on my calves. Also, I'm more aware of my muscles when I'm moving, or something like that. Also, I can do push-ups now! That is awesome. Hopefully by next week I'll have an handle on the triceps dips.


  1. I do find that a cup of coffee before a workout is invigorating, but I'm a morning coffee drinker.

    I've forgone a lot of 8 hour sleep nights to get up early and workout. I HATE evening workouts (reconfirmed this last evening). If your sleep will be heavier and more productive by not working out before bedtime, it's something to consider. Better, shorter sleep is probably better than 8 hours of tossing & turning b/c you're revved up.

  2. I skipped evening dinner yesterday too. like you, i valued sleep more than eating. it's a constant competition between the two.

  3. Don't miss those snacks, you gotta eat to be lean!
