It has been a whirlwind of a week that probably culminated yesterday in me breaking down into tears 5 times in 3 hours (twice regarding food, twice regarding a take-home stats test and computers not running the needed software and once for having to work and being so so sick of work). I'm really looking forward to the emotional stability that Patrick talked about in today's email, because I'm obviously not there yet. I guess I'm still stuck in the zit stage.
Actually, I'm in the hello cheekbones stage. I woke up the other day and it was just like bam! I've got mega cheekbones. The lack of salt and booze is working wonders; my face hasn't been this un-puffy-chubby when I haven't just been sick in I can't remember how long. I can't stop looking at myself in the mirror, I still look mostly the same, but it's like when you get a dramatic haircut and every time you see yourself you just pause for a little bit to verify that you are indeed looking at yourself.
This weekend was mega stressful with work and a math test and more work and surprisingly enough, what kept me feeling grounded enough so that I didn't totally lose my mind was the diet. The diet is maybe not habit, but it definitely feels natural. I feel so good and really am not craving anything, except when I let myself get hungry by going too long between meals and then I get a sweets craving. I have no desire to drink at all, which is really surprising to me. I thought that I would miss it more, but I don't.
The exercises still aren't like that for me. I know that I'll probably never be a person who LOVES to workout, but I'd like to get to the point where I don't dread working out, well dread is too strong a word as I'm definitely making some progress on that front. But I still don't enjoy it really, especially the jumps. I love the resistance band stuff and the push-ups but the jumps and the lunges I'm not such a fan of. The lunges have been killing my knee so I only did two sets of them today. Getting down to exercising brings out my add tendencies. I get distracted, I dawdle, I stay on the internet after downloading my workout, I procrastinate. Starting tomorrow I'm printing out my workout sheets so that I have no reason to be on the computer when it's workout time. Hopefully it helps.
Oh and I ate the first tomatoes out of my garden today and they were intensely amazing. The flavor was almost overwhelming. Here they are:
A Green Zebra and a German Johnson. The Johnson is all cracked and looks ugly, but that's just what heirloom tomatoes do, and they make up for their looks with their amazing flavor.