Friday, September 17, 2010

79. Flying By

Man, I cannot believe it's day 79 already. We've been doing this for so long I can't really remember what life was like before we started, but at the same time I feel like I'm just getting started. I'm not ready to let go yet, not ready to go back to regular life. I know I've got 10 days to go, but I'm really getting sad to be done. I know that a lot of it can stay the same, I can keep exercising the same way and keep eating the same stuff, but I'm going to miss everybody and their blogs and whatnot.

Ok. enough emotional nonsense. Does anyone else feel like the new diet is so much food? I know I'll get used to it but boy do I feel like I'm eating way too much. Especially dinner, but that's probably because I'm still mourning the loss of the apple dinner a little bit.

And a question for Patrick -- why are chest dips the second best exercise we can do for wellness? Is it because they're really super hard and make all your muscles work?

I can't decide if I dislike them because I can't do them/they hurt my wrists and shoulders or if I can't do them because I dislike them and therefore don't work as hard on them as I do on things that I like, like pull-ups.
Have I told you how much I like pull-ups? I still can't do a full one by myself but think the Jordan-assisted ones are the best things ever. I know that I'm not doing all the work, but they make me feel so strong! And to think the very first day of inclines pull-ups I couldn't move myself at all.

Oh and I indulged. The other night after firefighting class I had no interest in cooking, so we went to our local super good Vietnamese restaurant. I got pho, which is my favorite, but is also supposed to generally cure what ails you, so I figured it might be good for my stomach. It probably wasn't as many calories as it was supposed to and wasn't actually that unhealthy. The broth didn't seem that oily and the beef in the soup is lean, so aside from being a little salty, it was pretty decent pcp wise, I think. I did doctor it up with a ton of bean spouts and lime and some chilis so I got a bunch of veggies in there too. It tasted good. Not really really good. But not gross. So I'm happy that I'll still be able to eat some of the things that I loved before without finding them weird tasting. Mostly it was just nice to be able to stop and sit and be waited on and know that there wasn't a mound of dishes waiting for me afterwards. I did get a glass of iced sweet chyrsanthemum tea and it was so sweet I could only a sip or two before I was done.


  1. What a lovely, civilized indulgence!

    I, too, am getting sad that we're so close to the end...and putting off blogging about it because I don't want to wallow. It's funny how, suddenly I'm realizing that I feel so incredibly close to you guys on Team Badass! Even though we've never met, I do feel like I know you guys and am so grateful that I do!

    YES I feel like I'm stuffing myself with food all the time - I can barely keep up! Bigger snacks, before/after workout snacks = not hungry at meal times, and THOSE are now huge too. I hope that too-full feeling evens out over these last days. Dare I say I'm looking forward to super-sets???

  2. Also wanted to tell you that the way you feel about chest the same way i feel about pull-ups. F*&#ing HATE them - even with Dan assisting me. They make me feel WEAK and LAME. Chest dips, however, ain't no thang. Funny that we're opposites. Put your back together with my chest and we'd make one wicked strong female!

  3. Chest Dip = Pectorals, deltoids, triceps, biceps PLUS dynamic weight based movement through 3D space. WIN!

  4. wrong. chest dip = not trying to fall flat on my face as the chairs slide from underneath me. hmmm. maybe need different chairs. my alternatives are the office ones - they are on wheels. not much help. the only way i can get through chest dips is to do them really quickly. if i try to go slow and deep, well, it's just not going to happen. so mine is more of a pulse? yes, chest pulse.

    haley soooooo impressed by your indulgence. considered, enjoyed, no side effects, total awareness. lovely jubbly.

    dont start talking about only 10 days to go. i will tear up. im trying not to think about it. :(

  5. Personally, I'm rockin' the chest dips, but I cheat and use a sectional couch. A heavier chair improves it SO VERY not falling down at all.

    Also, yes. I feel as though I am spending more and more time just getting the food down. The All that I want veggies are great, but the MASSIVE quantities of carbs are something of a nuisance.

    Also...not talking about how close we are yet....shhhhh.

  6. I cheat at chest dips, and use a sectional couch...having something that won't tip no matter HOW much weight I put on it is terrific. Really lets me concentrate on the muscles instead of not falling down.

    And oh my do I agree about the food. SO VERY MUCH to eat. I'm going long on my lunch breaks at work just to finish it all.

  7. Isn't it funny how our perspectives change? i kinda miss apple dinners too. they used to make me soooo sad but they were so easy. Trying to work a third serving of protein each day has been a little tricky. i'm happy to welcome carbs and veggies back but protein is always work.

    i don't like the chest dips either. the struggle doesn't seem as gratifying as the pullups.

    i HATE 90 second planks with every ounce of my being. tried sarah's technique of reveling in the pain and appreciating it but it doesnt work for me. my body gives out cause my mind does. 45 secs - easy peasy, 1 min- no problem. F!@#@!%g 90 seconds piss me off so much and the body totally gives out before 90 seconds are up. i suspect it's the muscle btw the ears that reaches failure and not the rest of the bod.

  8. Everybody seems to have their "favorite" PCP exercise! (Planks are mine, too, Grace!)

    Haley, I agree with you -- one of the very best things about eating in a restaurant these days is the luxury of having someone else clean up. Honestly, I think it's my favorite thing about restaurant eating now. Wow, how things have changed.
